Protect Your Eyes, Protect Your Vision - Restore Your Eyesight

If You Really Want To See Better Without Eye Glasses/Lenses, Here Is The Solution To Restore Your Eyesight And SEE CLEARLY AGAIN.

The human eye is an organ that reacts to light and allows vision.
The eye functions as a digital camera in the body by capturing the beauty of nature. 

Many at times, certain problems arise with the eye causing a lot of discomfort to the individual. There are many types of eye problems  but the common ones are :


Cataracts are caused by a build-up of protein that clouds the eye’s lens, which can lead to blurred vision and eventual blindness.

Macular degeneration
It occurs when the central portion of the retina known as the macula loses its ability to see well. a special combination of vitamins may reduce disease progression

Refractive errors
Occurs when the shape of the eye prevents light from focusing directly on the retina 

Usually occurs when too much pressure is exerted on the eye thereby damaging the optic nerve. it is a gradual process. it is one of the leading causes of blindness for people over the age of 60. It can occur at any age but more common with adults.

Most Symptoms Or Early Warning Signs Of Eye Problems Are As Ffs And Help Should Be Sought Immediately One Notices Such Symptoms

  • Blurry vision (loss of sharpness of eyesight making objects appear to be hazy and out of focus)
  • Eye pain (Recurrent pain in or around the eye)
  • Double or ghosted vision (situation whereby one sees an object in twos)
  • Eye discomfort if you wear contact lenses
  • Sudden loss of vision in one eye
  • Persistent discomfort in the eye
  • Redness of the eye or Swollen eye
  • Eye injury (This occurs when something scratches the eye or one hits the eye against something)
  • Itchy eyes
  • Poor night vision (Need for brighter light for reading and other activities)
  • Red scratchy irritated eyes
  • Sudden blood spot in one eye

Most Causes Of Eye Problems Include :

  • Diabetes
  • Age-related 
  • Glaucoma 
  • Inability to obtain glasses or proper treatment 
  • Mental stress 
  • High BP ... amongst others 
NB. It is much better to prevent age-related eye problems than to try to minimize their impact on your vision after they have begun. This can be done by taking in supplements for the eye which contains eye vitamins and also good nutrition such as fruits, vegetables, more salmon... amongst others.
Also, any eye problem, when left untreated could lead to permanent blindness.

If you are suffering from any of the above eye conditions, then you would benefit from what we about to introduce to you. 

Vision Is A Good Supplement For The Eye 

This is the Original Vision; it is a dietary supplement with bilberry, lutein, and zeaxanthin, plus super antioxidants and other nutrients. Bilberry, a popular traditional herb, can support normal eyesight and improve circulation to the eyes. Lutein, a common carotenoid found in many vegetables and fruits, can help protect the retina. Zeaxanthin and Astaxanthin are other carotenoids that are important to the eye’s macular health. 

Our vision is a precious sense, and one that we should not take for granted. While we may supplement our diets with nutrients to enhance our overall well-being, we tend to overlook our eyesight as a necessary part of our health to maintain.

Benefits Of Vision Care Pack

πŸ“ŒClearer and better eyesight
πŸ“ŒPrevents damage of eye cells
πŸ“ŒImproves Circulation To The Eye.
πŸ“ŒCombat eye infections, Glaucoma, Blurred Vision, Night Blindness, poor vision, Cataract, eye pressure and all degenerative changes, etc...
πŸ“ŒPrevent Infections of the eye 
πŸ“ŒImproves aging eyesight and supplies some eye nutrients that help vision to be clearer
πŸ“ŒProtects the eyes from light hurt
πŸ“ŒMaintains healthy eyesight; day and night vision
πŸ“ŒProtects and promotes vision
πŸ“Œ Improve blood circulation of the eye
πŸ“Œ Nourishes the eye with all useful nutrient
πŸ“Œ It contains antioxidants that help protect eyes from the harmful effect of UV rays by preventing or slowing down the breakdown of proteins in the lens.


Text Vision Care Followed with the below information.

πŸ“Œ Full Name
πŸ“Œ Phone Number
πŸ“Œ Delivery Address
πŸ“Œ Numer Of Bottle(s)

Send This Information As SMS/WhatsApp To 0558072995

1 Bottle GHC 200
2 Bottle GHC 320
3 Bottle GHC 450


As you can see above, if we are to calculate the normal cost of the 1 Month (1 Bottle) the 2 months and the 3-month, the cost is more than the discount price. That’s not a big money for those who know what it means to have been going through this.

100% safe, no side effect… and gives a lasting result.

If you have any question about this outside the information given on this website already, Kindly Put a call Across to
Q. Do I have to make a payment before delivery?

Ans. No, You only have to make the payment to the delivery man if you are in Accra, but if you are outside Accra, you will pay before delivery, you can pay via MTN Mobile Money Number  0558072995

We Do Instant Delivery 

SMS/WhatsApp 24hours
We do delivery world-wide so where ever you are in this world we can deliver to you once your order for any of our product

N.B  Deliveries Are Not Free In Some Places